Every time I get to photograph Callie and Brenden, I am giddy with excitement. Our sessions (and anytime I’m hanging out with them!) remind me why they are such special people and why I’m so very lucky to call them close friends. Callie and Brenden are absolute gems – thoughtful, caring, witty, and passionate. About both life and each other. I absolutely adore them! Over the course of our friendship I’ve photographed their engagement, wedding, and now their transition to parenthood. It’s a beautiful thing to document and witness these important milestones in their lives and I’m so lucky they trust me with the job. Leading up to their session at Houghton’s Pond, the air was warm and I was dreaming of getting them in the water. There is something so intimate and romantic about the water and it lived up to all my expectations. Or maybe it’s just the two of them because they are absolute fire together. I could photograph them all day. They always insist it’s me, but I promise you that they make it so easy – their connection is undeniable and they have a comfort and calm together like I’ve never seen. I can’t wait to meet their babe and watch them grow as a family!
Kendra, it is definitely your skills that make us look so wonderful and help capture the magic! Just as you said, this isn’t our first shoot with you, but you never cease to amaze us and exceed our expectations! Thank you!
You’re too kind – thank you! I love you three!